Is our present decided by the past? Or is our perception of the past decided by the present.

What do you think? Are we where we are because of our past? Or is our past a perception we create in the present?   That’s a really good question.   I think it’s generally thought that the past is the cause and the present is the effect.   But let’s think about this   How much of the past are we consciously aware of at any given time?   We accumulate memories as we journey through our lives and our brain catalogues and stores them.   Our present thoughts and emotional state decide how we experience life in the present.   But it also strongly influences our viewpoint, or perception of the past.   And…. The present thoughts and emotions will also have an effect on the future by dictating actions in the present. The present being the cause the future being the effect.   From birth to 18 we have lived 157,680 hours. That’s a lot of experience. You probably remember a handful of significant events at any one time. The remembered events will mirror your current state of mind.   For example. Someone screws you over. You feel like crap about it. You then recall all previous Read more…

Calories & Weight Loss

Today I want to talk about calories and weight loss. I know it’s been done to death but…. To start, what is a calorie? A calorie is a unit of measure, it is not energy. Just like a centimetre is a measure of length, a kilogram is a measure of weight, a mile is a measure of distance, an hour is a measure of time. To say that calories don’t matter when it comes to loss of body mass is like saying centimetres don’t matter when establishing the length of a piece of string, or seconds don’t matter when you want to schedule a time, or miles don’t matter when working out the range of your electric car. Humans can only get their energy from the consumption of energy in the form of food or by utilising energy stored within the body, namely body fat, but can include lean mass too. We do not photosynthesise, we’re not plants. Surplus energy leads to mass increases, deficit energy leads to mass decreases. Imagine that your body is your bank balance. Energy consumption is a deposit to your account and energy use is a spend on your account. The balance, your body, is Read more…

The power of belief and the law of attraction

Today I am going to sum up belief and the law of attraction in 5 minutes. What is a belief? A belief is a proposition or premise that is accepted as a truth. It is not actually the truth. Remember that. We can only believe in something that we do not know for certain. If we know something is certain it is not a belief but a fact. Keep this in mind also. And…you’re presently experiencing a life that is congruent with your past thoughts and beliefs. How is a belief constructed? A belief is a thought, constructed from…. Your own mind, the words of another, or an event. The mind consciously runs the thought through a process of validation tests. The mind will then either dismiss the whole situation as insignificant and move or, or it will attach an emotion to the thought. Once an emotion is attached to the thought the process is accelerated, eventually moving to an unconscious process called the reticular accessing system, which will continually and unconsciously run a confirmation bias supporting the belief. This is why we get so emotionally attached to our beliefs. So…. How is this related to the law of attraction, Read more…

I actually think it’s cool to be non binary……..hear me out before you swipe my ass out of here.   According the great Hermes Trismegistus, also known as the messenger of the gods, or Mercury to the Greeks. I’ll cover more about this entity in another video. But one of the hermetic principles, (hermetic coming from Hermes, obvious, I know, but many people will have heard of the word ‘hermetic’ as if often used as a way to make something sound really mystical) is the principle of polarity. ‘Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled ‘ This is true, for example hot and cold are both temperatures, same in nature, different in degrees, literally. So here’s where it’s cool to be non binary. If you think in binary terms, then all thought will be either good or bad. So if you have a thought that don’t consider good it’ll automatically be bad, and you’ll probably end up having more negative thoughts about the fact you failed to construct Read more…

Is reality an illusion

VIDEO 2 REALITY IS AN ILLUSION   If you can only perceive part of the whole, but assume that it is the whole, then you are, by default, experiencing an illusion. When people say that reality is subjective, they’re basically saying that it is individually created in the mind of the person experiencing it. Let me elaborate. The human filters the entirety of reality through 5 restricted senses. The eye has approximately 180° of vision and can detect motion at about 24-30 frames per second. Even though we cannot even see the entire light spectrum, that’s still a lot of bits of data. Whilst the eye is sending all that data to the brain, the ears are sending audible data to the brain as long as it is between about 20hz and 20,000hz. That’s a whole lot more data. The sense of touch is sensing temperature, air, and anything that contacts the skin, as well as internal sensations. The tongue is sensing wet, dry, salty, sweet, sour, and bitter tastes, although, again, we do not taste everything the environment offers. Then there’s the nose, sniffing out molecules at minute parts per million in the atmosphere, we can’t smell everything, but Read more…

Day 1 of Being a Content Creator

Video 1 introduction. Hello and welcome to my channel. Today is the 29th September 2024 and today is day 1 of being a social media content creator. I pretty much have no idea how to do this. I do understand how to use social media for personal stuff, but I hardly use it. Today I have zero content, except of course this video. I have no followers, no likes and, and only a vague idea of where I’m going with this. I often watch other creators, and think, I can do that. We are all unique, and we all have something to offer. So, my intention is to just be my authentic self and share my thoughts with you guys, and see where it all goes. I don’t want to give away too much in this introduction. But I enjoy my job, I’m not motivated by money and I’m not materialistic. However, I’ve been driving the same crappy car for over 10 years and haven’t a break from my self-employment for 2 years, I also want to go back to college to complete my counsellor therapist training next year, so it is my intention to grow this channel and open Read more…