Belief and the Law of Attraction

Belief and the Law of Attraction

Today I am going to sum up belief and the law of attraction in 5 minutes.

What is a belief? A belief is a proposition or premise that is accepted as a truth. It is not actually the truth. Remember that.

We can only believe in something that we do not know for certain. If we know something is certain it is not a belief but a fact. Keep this in mind also.

And…you’re presently experiencing a life that is congruent with your past thoughts and beliefs.

How is a belief constructed? A belief is a thought, constructed from…. Your own mind, the words of another, or an event. The mind consciously runs the thought through a process of validation tests. The mind will then either dismiss the whole situation as insignificant and move or, or it will attach an emotion to the thought. Once an emotion is attached to the thought the process is accelerated, eventually moving to an unconscious process called the reticular accessing system, which will continually and unconsciously run a confirmation bias supporting the belief. This is why we get so emotionally attached to our beliefs.

So…. How is this related to the law of attraction, manifestation, or reality creation? There have been many volumes of literature written on how law of attraction works, usually with some kind of mystical, vibrational or magical conclusion. And…. Maybe these could be true, or not. It’s irrelevant. The individual belief system we all have is multi layered and embedded within itself, many times over. We even have beliefs about beliefs. What follows is what I consider a logical viewpoint. I’m not intending to invalidate your beliefs or proclaim mine are immutable.

The basic truth of my explanation is that belief precedes thought that precedes action.

So, lets imagine a scale, from 1 to 100. At zero we have doubt, at 100 we have conviction. And from +1 to +99 we have the scale of belief. We will use a line, however. I believe it’s more a circle, because to have absolute doubt you have to be convinced about it, I skimmed over this in a previous video about the law of polarity.

Now we will run a desire through our belief system and see what happens. Let’s say for example, I want to go out at the weekend with some friends. I don’t believe Jon will want to come, the reason doesn’t matter, it’s my belief. So, my action will likely be, I don’t bother calling john thus my belief is manifested, no Jon at the party. I believe Dave is dead cert, he’s a conviction. I call Dave first, my enthusiasm is high, he senses this and he’s in, my belief is manifested and Dave’s at the party. I believe Norman is a 50/50, so I’m a little more cautious in my language and tone when I call him, he’ll pick up on this and could go either way, but I’m not emotionally bothered. I like Fred, but I only believe he’ll want to come 25%, but I really want him to come and I’ll be disappointed if he doesn’t, Fred will pick up on my disappointed thoughts and language and on this and likely give an excuse, confirming my belief that I’ll be disappointed and he’ll likely not come. You get the idea. Humans are more apt at picking up cues like tonality and language if over phone or even more so when subtle unconscious cues can be seen.

So back to the scale, anything over 50% belief is likely to lead to decisive action, with the higher the belief the more congruent the action towards the attainment of the desire. But…. doubt represents resistance, so 50% belief is also 49% doubt, that’s going to a rough road as you fight with yourself constantly. The nearer 99% the belief the easier it gets. Then there’s the magic 100% conviction. In this state you no longer need to think about the desire as there’s no resistance. At this point, you enter into the magical flow state that many people refer to, you no longer question anything, you just act in absolute congruence with the desire, in the flow state you naturally attract what you want through your actions and acute attention to opportunities, and you’ll continue to act without resistance until the desire is attained.

Literature on law of attraction is often dismissed because it makes it look too simple, or it’s just too magical or mystical for most to digest, but basically the literature is saying, don’t act until you have created a conviction the desire will be manifested, at which point you enter a flow state and no longer have to think about it, because you will act as if, until it is.

It makes sense, instead of embarking on a journey to attaining a desire by acting first, then suffering the stress and anxiety of resistance, just move your beliefs to align with what you want. This is not mystical, the basic premise of cognitive therapy, is to dissect your beliefs, deconstruct the thoughts and emotions, then challenge them and or find evidence to the contrary of the belief in order to change them and live a more productive existence.

The objective of this video was to demonstrate the power we all have by being aware of how our beliefs can work for us or against us. A common objection is ‘I can’t just think something will happen it does’, and you’re right, that statement is a belief, and it will become your truth. Like napoleon hill famously wrote, ‘whatever the mind of man can believe and conceive it can achieve.’

Finally, I didn’t want to leave you without any practical advice on how to strengthen belief to increase potential realisation. Try this simple technique.

  1. State your desire in the present with ‘I chose to’, ‘I decide to’, or ‘my intention is….’ this language reduces resistance, unlike ‘I am….’ affirmations which cause inner resistance initially as you’re probably affirming what you currently believe to be a lie.
  2. Then sit in silence and observe any thoughts or emotions that appear, acknowledge them, and let them pass.

Repeat both steps, do this for about 5 repetitions each day until the counter thoughts or intentions are gone.

Remember all beliefs are a paradox, they are equally as true as they are false. They are pliable and mouldable if you are prepared to do the work.

Thanks for listening to what the Sharmanator thinks.


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