The Sharmanator on Non Binary Thinking

I actually think it’s cool to be non binary……..hear me out before you swipe my ass out of here.


According the great Hermes Trismegistus, also known as the messenger of the gods, or Mercury to the Greeks. I’ll cover more about this entity in another video. But one of the hermetic principles, (hermetic coming from Hermes, obvious, I know, but many people will have heard of the word ‘hermetic’ as if often used as a way to make something sound really mystical) is the principle of polarity.

‘Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled ‘

This is true, for example hot and cold are both temperatures, same in nature, different in degrees, literally.

So here’s where it’s cool to be non binary.

If you think in binary terms, then all thought will be either good or bad. So if you have a thought that don’t consider good it’ll automatically be bad, and you’ll probably end up having more negative thoughts about the fact you failed to construct an entirely good thought. But what is good and bad? How good do you have to be to be considered good and how bad do you have to be to be considered to be bad? We will all have a limit in both directions of we’re capable of thinking. Which is evidence that the poles are opposite but only in degree. If you’re intending to improve yourself then you need to recognise not only where the poles are but degrees between them. Then, you will be able to recognise and congratulate yourself for improvement, which is a better option than self condemnation.

There is also an hermetic principle of gender, I’ll save that for another video, but suffice to say, it’s separate from the law of polarity.

That’s what the Sharmanator thinks.


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