If you can only perceive part of the whole, but assume that it is the whole, then you are, by default, experiencing an illusion.

When people say that reality is subjective, they’re basically saying that it is individually created in the mind of the person experiencing it.

Let me elaborate.

The human filters the entirety of reality through 5 restricted senses. The eye has approximately 180° of vision and can detect motion at about 24-30 frames per second. Even though we cannot even see the entire light spectrum, that’s still a lot of bits of data. Whilst the eye is sending all that data to the brain, the ears are sending audible data to the brain as long as it is between about 20hz and 20,000hz. That’s a whole lot more data. The sense of touch is sensing temperature, air, and anything that contacts the skin, as well as internal sensations. The tongue is sensing wet, dry, salty, sweet, sour, and bitter tastes, although, again, we do not taste everything the environment offers. Then there’s the nose, sniffing out molecules at minute parts per million in the atmosphere, we can’t smell everything, but it’s another boat load of data. Then there’s the incessant mind chattering away consistently all day. Imagine being able to process and perceive 100% of all that data at any one time? Or even worse, add in 100% of all the data we can’t perceive, infa red, ultra sound, smells at parts per billion. It’s just not possible!!!!

We can only be consciously aware of between 4 and 7 things at the same time. So the billions of bits of data hitting your senses every millisecond of the day are condensed to just about 5 conscious things.

For most of us, we will be focused on things dictated by our instinct, biology, and by our previous experiences, which tend to run on autopilot. Which is not a bad thing, because if it wasn’t that way then we’d have to think about everything as if it was the first experience and make decisions on it.

In conclusion, yes! Reality is most certainly a very individual illusion. BUT…..we have the power to influence our experience and create whatever illusion we wish. Our attitudes and beliefs are the major contributors of which 4-7 things we become conscious of from the billions of bits of data we are perceiving all the time. You and I could be in exactly the same place at exactly the same time, but our experience can be a universe apart.

It’s your illusion, make it a pleasant one. That’s what the Sharmanator thinks.

Look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments.


Categories: Concepts


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